Stop Fascism from Garcetti and Newsom, and going 3rd party!

Eric Bloss
2 min readAug 12, 2020

The national security and strength of law enforcement, military and the system is actually weakening. The people with power (cops, enforcement, etc.) won’t even follow Garcetti’s Nazi policy to cut off water and power to people who peacefully assemble at their own residences or to exercise religion and speech while he will allow several millions to be evicted due to his iron-fisted policy of forcing the masses out of work doing legal business. The system is vulnerable.

I also have respect for prostitutes that will admit that is their business. I don’t have respect for prostitutes that front as politicians or are wannabes with microphones.

Kamala Harris is extremely corrupt and I might’ve considered Biden, who was the only person on his party I actually liked, but he chose the sole person in his finalists I would never consider. I actually have to go 3rd party after Trump gassed peaceful protesters for a photo and made homelessness worse by stopping enforcement of having low income housing throughout all neighborhoods.

Kamala Harris is extremely corrupt and a hypocrite. She is against the 2nd amendment, wants it abolished, yet owns and keeps one for herself. The 2nd amendment isn’t just for her. If one person can get arms and defend themself, so does everyone else. And she slept with Willie Brown, 30 years older than her, to further her political career!

Now I have to find internet to vote in a 3rd party (the first time for my lifetime of presidential elections since I was ok with a candidate in every presidential election of my lifetime, 1992-present). I can’t write myself in. I’m not 35!


Best idea. Down with this atrociously corrupt system!



Eric Bloss
0 Followers, email for #, JPL/NASA Intern, Tournament of Roses Student Ambassador ‘08–’09, UC Berkeley 2014 B.A. Geology (joined few protests there)